Cherryhill Neighborhood Association is a City of Sunnyvale sanctioned association formed for the benefit of Cherryhill Neighborhood residents. Our primary goal is to get to know our neighbors in order to improve our lives, safety, and community. We host events throughout the year and communicate via a variety of methods. Click here to learn more about CNA.

Events & Announcements

CNA Receives 2023 Environmental Award from the City of Sunnyvale

At Sunnyvale’s 2023 State of the City event (held September 23, 2023), Cherryhill Neighborhood Association was honored with the Environmental Award for several of our grant efforts over the years (2015’s Water Conservation Works!, 2016’s Cherryhill Neighbors Grow Together, 2020’s Everyday Sustainability and 2022’s Bring Back the B’s). This award greatly influenced the focus of our 2024 grant application Ready, Set, (Climate) Action!… mainly, what can we do as a follow up? We hope you will get involved in our 2024 effort!

Councilmember Linda Sell presents the Environmental Award to Cherryhill Neighborhood Association.

Neighbor-created Native Garden at DeAnza Park

Did you know a small group of Cherryhill neighbors has begun taking care of the strip of land outside the DeAnza Park fence along Ticonderoga Drive? You may have noticed a beautiful native garden that seemed to have sprung up out of nowhere last year. The origin of this bee and butterfly-friendly garden is a testament to neighbors coming together to help foster native plants and bring beauty to an otherwise overlooked space. READ MORE

Cherryhill Welcome Bag

Our traditional welcome for new neighbors is to fill up a re-useable Cherryhill shopping bag with home-baked treats and useful neighborhood information (newsletters, flyers, coupons, etc.).

When a new neighbor moves on to your street (or if someone has recently moved in and not received one), please contact your block rep who will get a bag from Welcome Bag Coordinator, Minoti Merchant. Would you like a few bags for yourself? Contact Minoti or your block representative.

The new bags have been generously sponsored by:

  • Baskin Robbins
  • Zanotto’s
  • For Other Living Things
  • Active Age Fitness
  • Nature’s Best Cleaners
  • Silicon Valley Eye Physicians

A sincere “thank you” to the fantastic merchants who made our new resident reusable bag project such a resounding success! If you frequent these businesses, please let them know you appreciate their support of Cherryhill Neighborhood Association.

Cherryhill No Soliciting Sticker

We have created a “No Soliciting” sign that should help keep solicitors from your door and maybe even keep criminals at bay.

When one of these signs is attached to your dwelling, it is against the law for solicitors to try to contact you. You can call the police on them! The sign also advertises our neighborhood association.

Signs are available from your board members. A $3 donation is suggested to defray the costs. Encourage your neighbors to procure and put up the sign so our neighborhood presents a solid front.

Note — the sign does not apply to politicians and charities.