City of Sunnyvale Approves CNA 2024 Grant Proposal!
Each year, the City of Sunnyvale awards block grants to neighborhood associations. The Neighborhood Grant Program (NGP) is for free neighborhood events or projects. The goal is to increase communication among neighbors, improve the physical condition of the neighborhood or enhance neighborhood pride and identity.
For 2024, we applied for another grant—focusing this time on adapting to our changing climate. We’re calling it “Ready, Set, (Climate) Action!” and our goal is to make residents aware of Sunnyvale’s 2014 Climate Action Plan (CAP) then look at steps we can take to help the city achieve its climate goals. We’ll use the Climate Action Playbook (a CAP update that began in 2017) as our guide.
Our grant project centers on 3 needs identified in the Climate Action Playbook: 1) drive less and walk/bike more; 2) be more resilient as a community in the event of an emergency; and 3) adjust our eating habits to help reduce the amount of carbon generated by our existing food systems.
Learn more at 2024 Grant Program page: “Ready, Set, (Climate) Action!”