Transportation & Travel


According to Project Drawdown, transportation is responsible for 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This week, let’s investigate ways we can help reduce our dependence upon fossil fuels in order to get from point A to point B and everywhere in between.

Activities & Challenges


  1. Are you already using an alternative-fuel vehicle(s) or are planning to switch to one with your next vehicle purchase?
  2. Do you belong to a carpool for work, school or activities?
  3. Do you use public transportation or a car-alternate (e.g., bicycle) as your primary means of getting around?

Use our TRANSPORTATION/TRAVEL ACTIVITIES Submission Form to let us know!


  1. Use an alternate form of transportation (bike, walk or a public mode, e.g., bus or train) where you would normally use your car. For example, getting groceries, shopping or going to the bank.
  2. Combine 2 or more errands into a single car trip, making a circuit before returning home instead of several individual trips to and from.

Use our TRANSPORTATION/TRAVEL CHALLENGES Submission Form to share what you did.

Other Actions You Can Take

  1. Learn more about alternative fuel vehicles at the Department of Energy website.
  2. Calculate your Carbon Offset using this handy online calculator.
  3. Help make biking safer and more comfortable in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties through education, advocacy, and fun by joining the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition.
  4. Bike Sunnyvale advocates for better biking infrastructure and growing the biking community in Sunnyvale. They are a local chapter of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC).
  5. Bike Sunnyvale’s next bike repair event is Sun, June 13. Register at
  6. If anyone is interested in riding with others for fun and exercise, Western Wheelers Bicycle Club is a great group to join.
  7. Consider using an e-bike as your primary mode of transportation. Learn more about e-bikes HERE.

Resources & Further Reading


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