Grant Programs

Since 2009, we have applied for and received a number of grants from the City of Sunnyvale. The Neighborhood Grant Program (NGP) is for free neighborhood events or projects that increase communication among neighbors, improve the physical condition of the neighborhood, or enhance neighborhood pride and identity. Grants are awarded up to $1,000 per group. Below are the grant programs we have implemented in Cherryhill:

2021/22 Bring Back the B’s (Bees & Butterflies)
Explored how we can establish or expand healthy habitats for pollinators – whether by eliminating toxins or by choosing plants that attract and nourish butterflies and bees.

2020/21 Everyday Sustainability
Encouraged development of a more cooperative, sustainability-focused community where residents can make small, medium and large lifestyle adjustments to help conserve natural resources.

2019/20 Cherryhill  Vitality
Focused on health and wellness, the Vitality program aimed to get neighbors moving, stretching and becoming more mindful about healthy habits.

2017/18: Cherryhill Heritage
Began collecting oral and written histories of the neighborhood through on-camera interviews, written submissions and physical documents (photos, etc.).

2016/17: Cherryhill Neighbors Grow Together
Built small, mobile garden spaces to share herbs and other edibles among neighbors and passersby.

2015/16: Water Conservation Works!
Piloted 4+ small water conservation efforts in the neighborhood and shared results via semi-permanent signage and a tour/discussion of the project areas.

2014/15: Prepare & Be Aware
Emphasized disaster preparedness/crime prevention via a comprehensive printed flyer, a gallon of water on each door step (to encourage residents to keep adequate emergency water on hand) and a key chain with the non-emergency phone # for Sunnyvale DPS.

2012/13: Broadening Our Base
Continued to expand the annual calendar of events; created No Soliciting stickers for neighbors to post.

2011/12: Reaching Out & Reaching In
Introduced printed/branded new neighbor Welcome Bags in addition to other social events.

2010/11: Clean & Green
Neighborhood beautification via semi-annual Garden Tour and annual Freecycle/Dumpster Day events.

2009/10: CNA Promotion & Expansion
Established regular printed newsletters to reach all residents, improved online communication vehicles including the website