Sunnyvale’s Climate Action Playbook
Sunnyvale’s Climate Action Playbook contains important information about Sunnyvale’s plan to reach its climate action goals by 2050. Click the image below to go to the Sustainability page on the City of Sunnyvale website. Midway down you will find Final Climate Action Playbook Documents. The first item listed is the Climate Action Playbook – click it to begin downloading the PDF. This will ensure you can access the most up to date version of the playbook.
Excerpt from the Sustainability page:
The City of Sunnyvale is committed to sustainability and climate action. Sunnyvale’s updated climate action plan – called the Climate Action Playbook (or “Playbook”) – is a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address climate change. The Climate Action Playbook was born out of the Climate Action Plan 2.0 (CAP 2.0) Initiative (2017), a framework to update Sunnyvale’s updated Climate Action Plan (CAP 1.0) from 2014 and accelerate local action to further prevent climate change. The Climate Action Playbook was adopted in August 2019 and replaces the CAP 1.0.
Just as a sports playbook identifies a team’s winning strategies to achieve success on the field, the Playbook contains bold, winning strategies to dramatically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 56% by 2030 and 80% by 2050.